Settlement Amount is Confidential
When our 83-year-old client was admitted to a nursing home for short-term rehabilitation, his skin was intact and he could walk and eat with minimal assistance. The nursing home, part of a national chain, failed to give him the care promised. As a result, he was unable to go home, and, by the third month, he had multiple decubitus ulcers (bedsores), which caused an infection of the bone. He was hospitalized and had to have one of his legs amputated. Afterward, he was unable to return home to live with his wife and remained institutionalized for his remaining two years. Defendants were discovered to have entered false information and forged signatures into his medical record. One former employee, a nurse, testified that she was fired because she had refused to cooperate in altering patient records. The case was settled on the brink of trial after hard-fought and lengthy litigation. The following cases were settled on a confidential basis and therefore the names of the parties and the settlement amounts cannot be revealed.